Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Starting to LOSE track

So here I am...almost 5 complete days in and I am starting to lose track of the days that have elapsed!!! I think I am doing a pretty good job from reframing from consuming the infamous diet coke!!! The taste of watering is coming back to me--what do I mean by that---I used to drink water nonstop--and now I am starting to realize why I used too!!! It truly does quinch my thirst!!! Well, I guess I am not getting bad to write this, so I better get back to work!!! Please continue to wish me the best of luck!! Almost 5 days free!!! So so close!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So Close....

I am laying here in bed and really wanting a diet coke bad...I am trying really hard and I knownif it were up to me, I simply would just go get one!! I am not sure what to do to stop wanting a stupid cola product...I have no answer to this solution...just not sure what to say or do....very upsetting...really really is....

Start of Day 4

So here I am...working on my forth day free from diet coke and feeling great!!! I am actually working outside in the frided temperature and just finised a gatoraide. I think that my biggest problem comes during meal times. I continue to want a diet coke when I go to eat. I would be able to quickly resolve this problem if I had more milk to drink. During snack time and thru the remain parts of the day, I have mo problem with a cold bottle of water or a heart burning gatoraide. I don't think, but not completely certain yet, think the heartburn has slowed some after stopping the coke. I am not certain of that, but do believe it is slowing somewhat!! But here we go--almost to eat and going to have to settle for some ice water or gatoraide!! Please continue to wish me luck!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

3 Full Days

I can't believe it for myself!!!! I have officially made it 72 hours and counting without a single diet coke!!! Yes, I can't count the number of times I have wanted one...and can't truly count the number of times I have went to the fridge to get one not even thinking. But I am quick to take note to the mere absence of the once beloved soda of choice occupying the fridge! Instead, multiple bottles of water and gatoraide now lay cold where my once drink of choice be!!! Ha Ha truly is funny in one sense to think about how much one can think about something so stupid soboften. It is no longer a desire but a force of habbit in my life--and that habbit is the only thing needing to be broken!! I was having only a small problem with feeling aquward moments ago--but that feeling has seemed to have already passed. I drank a bottle of water in fear of an esqulating sugar level--but no fear, for it was on the money! I will continue to drink more and more water to help keep this problen under control and to help continuing to flush my poor body system! It's been quite an interesting ride the past few days and looking forward to looking back upon these posts laughing at my need and desire to have a diet coke!!! We almost have I one habbit broken....but must remember to take one day at a time! Maybe I better go to bed early again---helps aide the cause in "kickin da habbit"

Another Day...Diet Who???

I am officially working on my third day in a row and am still diet coke free!! I have actually had two bottles of water and working on my second gatoraide!! I have read that today and tomorrow are the sad when I "would really really want" a diet coke. Well, unfortunately for the coca-cola company, they are not getting another dime from me! All carbonated beverages are bad for us to consume. I haves researched the various coca-cola products and pepsi products--some containing aspertame, some not--but in the end, none are good for our health!!!! I am down to water, milk, and gatoraide! I think those will quench my thirst!!!! Please continue to wish me luck in ridding my body of the big dc and aspertame!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Officially 2 Days Free

I have officially made it two days free from drinking diet coke. I know that may not sound like much to some, but to someone that drank the fizzy death drink for breakfeast, lunch, and dinner...ohhh and all the times in between...two days does mean something. The only problem that I am having is the "wosey" feeling that I have been suffering from for days. This is the exact feeling I was having prior to stopping true diet coke, but it seems after eating, approximately 30 to 60 minutes following, I seem to start having problems. I checked the sugars again, and thank goodness, they remain normal. I will continue my quest in over coming the need and desire to have another coke--two days free and a lifetime to go!!! Please wish me the best!!!

The Beginning of Day 2

So here I am...another day and I am kinda in the mood for a diet coke. But...still hanging strong and will continue to do so!!! I have a little bit of a headache and haven't taken anything for it. I already drank one gatoraide and going to the truck to get another one!!!! Please continue to wish me luck!!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Offically Over 24 Hours

I have officially made it over 24 hours and couldn't be happier!! I just came back to my room with a 15 pack of red gator aide and am hoping it will help guide me thru this long headache bound journey! But at least 24 hours down and counting!!! Blood sugar was great but still feel little off than what I should. It is the same feeling I was having last night. I will continue to monitor sugar levels, lay off the high sugars and finally, most importantly, not drink any diet coke!!! Please wish me luck!!!

The Desire

So here I am...often catching myself reaching over to get a coke on the night stand...not feeling it and actually looking over for one. Then it hits me...there isn't one there! I can't wait to the day I don't even think of wanting one. I guess once you make something a part of your life and then it is may take some time to get reaquainted with how life will be from here on better know I am doing this merely for you!!! Ohhh and me health!!! Truly don't want any further problems in actuallity!!!! Soon to be free from the big DC

Almost 24 Hours In

So here we go....I have almost made it 24 hours without diet coke and I am using this board as a means of being able to curb the need and desire to have one. I am doing this for my family and a little due to health concerns. Diet coke is made from a substance used in rat poison and for some wild reason I continued to drink the toxic substance. I would say I was (key word was) drinking anywhere from 4 to 8 diet cokes a day...usually at least six or so!!! That is simply unbelievable. I am now paying the price due to the headache I am suffering from...but I think this was the best thing to do!!! More to come...except no more diet death!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Evening Number One

So it began tonight...the diet coke has to go due to health problems that I believe it is causing. I will offically begin the journey tomorrow, detailing my events as they transpire before me in my quest to overcome the need to have diet coke 24/7. Please wish me lots of luck!!!!